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Amazon SEO and Product Listing Optimization – Expert Ranking Strategy

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Amazon Listing Optimization

Amazon SEO & Product Listing Optimization

It goes without saying that carefully crafted product listings will raise an Amazon seller’s chances of expanding their clientele and boosting revenues. How to maintain their profitability in the meantime is the key issue. Even a flawless listing that has already been created has to be updated frequently to remain clickable. Therefore, the only approach to raise the exposure of your Amazon items and boost conversions is to commit to a specific method of continual listing improvement.

Despite the fact that thorough keyword research accounts for a sizable portion of an effective optimization procedure, you should approach this holistically. Consider concentrating your efforts on Amazon policies, price analysis, marketing tactics, and, of course, customer experience. We’ve gathered some essential strategies in this post to assist you in creating an Amazon listing that appeals to both Amazon’s search algorithm and your target market.

What is Product Listing Optimization?

You may either select the current product listing page or build a new one when launching a new product. Shoppers should be able to learn everything they need to know about your product on this page. When designed effectively, Amazon product pages help potential shoppers navigate the vast Amazon marketplace and quickly locate your items.

A well-written product listing can also act as a significant purchasing trigger. Your Amazon listing requires ongoing SEO and content improvements because of this.
Having said that, there are some good arguments for optimizing product pages in a more planned and discerning manner.

Why should we do Amazon Listing Optimization?

When done regularly and in the correct manner, listing optimization has the following positive impacts on your overall Amazon stats.

  • With properly implemented Amazon SEO and keyword research techniques, increase search discoverability.
  • By updating and tweaking the content while maintaining the crucial focus on the buyer’s pain areas, you may raise impressions and CTR (click through rate).
  • By keeping an eye on customer feedback and providing a superior customer experience, increase conversion rate.
  • Follow Amazon Trends and Policies to stay current. Online retailers need continually be aware of the newest developments to keep their sails up to the Amazon wind since even the hottest Amazon trends fade faster than you may expect.
  • Use the most lucrative keywords that your rivals are employing in their product titles and descriptions to outperform them.

How to Optimize Amazon Product Listing?

While Amazon SEO is the primary gateway to product visibility, it is imperative to populate your product detail page with the necessary keywords. Furthermore, Amazon sellers should be very careful about the weight of the ranking elements that the algorithm currently decides given that Amazon just made some changes to its A9 Algorithm. Keeping that in mind here are some practical suggestions to help you improve your Amazon listings for the A10 algorithm.

Amazon Keyword Research

Do extensive research on the pertinent search phrases while concentrating intensely on the buyer’s purpose. Choosing high-ranking keywords for your product listing might be challenging to do on your own, but using a powerful Amazon SEO tool can greatly reduce this challenge. A keyword research tool like Helium10, JungleScout or Keepa can make the life of an online seller much easier. Even more so when that tool is backed by a team of experts to help you turn a badly performing product listing into a bestseller. While it can be burdensome to identify and patch all the gaps on your own, the Seller Labs Managed Services team is glad to conduct research on your behalf and come up with actionable recommendations on much more than just keyword analysis.

With the aid of a good keyword research tool, you can visit an Amazon product listing page and view suitable keywords for that item, discover how a product ranks for a certain term, and learn other information such as the expected search volume, typical CPC, number of sellers, sales rank, and more.

Backend Search Keywords

Backend keywords are those that you want Amazon to index but that customers shouldn’t be able to view. As a result, synonyms like “earphones” and “earbuds” may be present in your hidden keywords if you offer headphones. Once your keyword research is complete, you may add backend keywords to your product page in the most advantageous locations, such as product names and bullet points. Only general terms that improve your product’s discoverability should be used as backend keywords. The backend keywords on a product detail page must only contain the first 250 bytes because Amazon only indexes those. Because there are so few, choosing effective keywords and using them effectively are more important than ever. Following is the list of tips and tricks to choose appropriate backend search terms.

  • Put the most crucial keywords at the top.
  • Apply extra keyword categories, such as Target Audience, if at all possible.
  • Include well-known acronyms and alternate names
  • Avoid using meaningless terms.
  • Avoid using the same terms twice in titles and bullets.
  • No need to worry about plurals Taking care of this is Amazon.

Amazon Listing Title Optimization

The first thing a customer reads about your product is the title. If your product title isn’t clear and optimized, you’re hurting your chances of making a sale and putting off potential customers. In light of this, we’ve compiled a list of what you ought to and ought not to do when optimizing the product names.


  • Do not exceed the 200 character limit
  • Put the most crucial terms first
  • Capitalize the first letter of each word
  • Understand and address the buyers’ intent
  • Describe the product’s brand, material, use, model, color, and quantity.
  • Indicate dimensions such as pounds, inches, and feet.


  • Excessive use of keywords
  • Write the words “For Sale” or “Free Shipping”
  • Using HTML code, symbols or characters like ®
  • Specify costs or vendor information
  • Capitalize articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.
Amazon Product Listing Title – Example

In order to get you started, the default title format is Brand + Model + Product Type + Additional information. To fully understand how to frame your product title, look at the sample picture. In order to come up with the ideal title for your listing, take a look at Amazon’s Product Title Requirements.

Write Compelling Product Descriptions

You should concentrate on using long-tail keywords and feature/benefit descriptors in your product description. Think about the inquiries you would make if you were looking into a similar product to the one you offer. What would make you want to buy it? Be convincing, unbiased, and honest. Avoid overloading this area with keywords, mentioning the competitors, or making assertions you can’t back up. It is a platform where you can share your story and engage with your customer.

Importance of Bullet Points

Amazon Product Listing – Bullet Points

The most crucial information about the qualities of the product is included in the bullet points section, which also serves to emphasize its advantages. Make sure that each of the five bullet points is concise and well-written because you only have less than 1,000 characters to do so. Create bullets that are simple to read, consistently structured, and packed with relevant, keyword-rich content. Make sure that the feature name or a brief summary comes before every bullet item. As bullets are relevant to both the algorithm’s search for keywords and the shopper’s search for features and advantages, this will improve both your ranking in search results and your conversion rate.

Take it a step further and address any queries potential customers may have in advance in your product description. Make a bullet point about your cast-iron pan being pre-seasoned, rust-proof, and enduring for many generations of chefs if you frequently get inquiries about how it matures with usage. If you stand by your goods, you may also offer some form of guarantee, which you should promote.

Include High Quality Product Images

A decent product image, which is essential to Amazon listing optimization, can accurately communicate information about your product while still appearing fantastic. When it comes to describing the features of your product, a picture really can say a thousand words. You may combine up to six more secondary photographs with the primary image. Utilizing them in your product listing will be a smart move because Amazon also permits merchants in some categories to post 360-degree product images. Here are some of the main requirements for proper Amazon product images:

  • Large, high-resolution photos that may be zoomed in easily preferably larger than 1000×1000 pixels.
  • All significant product components are displayed, including dimensions, accessories, the product from all sides, major characteristics, etc.
  • Product is shown on a white backdrop in lifestyle photographs that demonstrate your items in use.
  • No inset graphics, text, or pictures
  • A product’s size in relation to other items or related things
  • All of the included items and the whole package are shown.
  • Product takes up at least 80% of the picture.

Pricing is What Matters the Most

No matter how incredible your product is, you won’t be able to sell it for the price you want unless it has positive feedback and a strong online presence. When determining and setting prices, many factors must be taken into account. Depending on the performance of your product, you should have a specific pricing strategy. Here are some pricing strategy examples for you to use:

  • Intelligent pricing for new products. A smart move for a new product launch is to start at a lower price and raise it in step with the number of favorable reviews.
  • Utilize loss-leader merchandise. Giving away things with negative ratings is a wonderful choice when using reduced prices. Additionally, customers that come to buy the loss leaders will also buy lucrative goods.
  • Adjust your profit margins. Increasing the sales volume of a consistent product while maintaining a viable pricing is one strategy to do it.

Additionally, you may do in-depth market research to identify your consumer persona and choose the best pricing range for a product based on the perceived value of the target market.

How to Tell If Amazon Product Listing Needs Optimizations?

Listing optimization techniques must undergo significant modifications as Amazon becomes more and more competitive. It is no longer effective to stuff the essential keywords into the product titles and descriptions. Brand owners will regrettably miss out on money if they don’t increase their efforts to enhance their Amazon product listings and integrate them with advertising campaigns. Lack of brand recognition allows for a low market share and invites copycat products from your rivals. How can your product listing be optimized, and how do you know when it’s time to make the investment?

  • Make sure you’re aware! Look at the unit session % in the detailed page sales and traffic data to compare it over time and see whether your conversion rates increased or decreased.
  • Develop a solid approach! Learn how many keywords you are indexed for in comparison to your rivals, since this can help you understand where their traffic is coming from.

Sellers can determine whether their listing is having trouble because it is not being indexed or because it is not ranking by doing this. Resolving the indexing is often the first step in the process, which calls for doing extensive keyword research.

The Bottom-line

As a seller, knowing what to do next can be quite difficult at times. We must consider ranking on Amazon holistically if we want to succeed with Amazon SEO.

  • Begin optimizing your listings.
  • Utilize advertising that encourages conversions and clippable coupons.
  • Watch your reviews come in from conversions.
  • To determine what adjustments should be made to the listing, use evaluations and the information you collected from the advertising reports
  • Management of actionable metrics.

The listing optimization procedure is intricate and multifaceted, as we have just learned. This is why another crucial item on your list would be having a clever keyword search engine at your disposal. Scope The discriminating Amazon keyword and SEO tool known as Amazon Keyword Tool aids in the improvement of your front- and back-end keywords, the creation of a keyword plan, and ultimately directs you to the top of the rankings. Due to the fact that this tool is a part of the comprehensive Seller Labs PRO solution, you can take use of a number of features right out of the box, including Inventory Management for useful analytics and Ignite for PPC advertising.

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